Our collection of clothes and children’s books for the refugee families in the Northern Iraq has now been completed. Yesterday 22.02.2015 the last crates were loaded into the two trucks, which still make their way to the Northern Iraq today. A total of 16 tons of clothing and books came together. Approx. two weeks will be the trucks on the road. Towards the middle of March, we will travel again in person and distribute to the needy and displaced families. Reports with picture and text material follow as usual.
Thanks to all donors, patrons and supporters of ARAMAIC RELIEF International! And a very special thank you to all the helpers, who during the last days energetically took part, to collect all the relief goods and to load all the boxes into the two trucks!
[cs_quote quote_cite=”Severiyos Aydin” quote_cite_url=”#” quote_text_color=”#333333″ quote_align=”left”]The two trucks loaded with clothes and children’s books are now on the way to the Northern Iraq and will be received by us in about two and a half weeks from us[/cs_quote]
After this, we will again pass the distributions to the needy refugee families and begin the establishment of the children’s libraries.
Various media had already taken up this action and reported on it.
You will find various news articles and online news about this relief.
Two lorries to set off for refugees cams in Middle east / www.zug4you.ch
Zuger Hilfe für Kinder in Flüchtlingscamps / Luzerner Zeitung
Here you will find some impressions of the big collection day in Glattbrugg.