At the beginning of March 2017, we traveled to Uganda as part of an emergency aid operation and from there on to Sudan, where there is an acute famine. In Uganda, there are more than half a million South Sudanese refugees, and every day more cross the border with the already poor and drought-stricken country. We visited these regions and carried out a total of 4 food distributions in cooperation with World Action Fund. A total of 17.5 tonnes of flour and beans were distributed to approximately 1200 families.
The aim of our mission in South Sudan was to carry out a situation assessment and to form new cooperations for rapid, efficient and long-term assistance to the internally displaced and the hungry. With your help, we can soon realize more life-saving food distributions. Thank you very much for your valuable support! (Donations below)
Would you like to support our food projects in Africa? With a donation of CHF 50.-, we provide a family with food for one month.
Donation account:
Postal Account: 60-771959-6
IBAN: CH81 0900 0000 6077 1959 6
Bank: PostFinance, Berne
Keywords: Africa
Paypal address:
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